Common Questions



How can one identify an individual’s exposure to abuse?

When abuse is experienced in a spiritual setting, it is often time masked under the image of what appears to be submission to authority. From a Christian worldview, it can seem as if the church is not prepared to deal with the plethora of abuse, trauma mental health issues that many women and children confront. Because the emotions are often involved in spirituality, this exposure to abuse often is deemed under the umbrella of shame and weakness and as such often goes silent on the part of the victim. How can we effectively approach church abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence and mental health challenges ? What is the church’s responsibility in scenarios such as the above? One of the primary impressions one get is that the church is not equipped to deal with mental health issues that largely stem from abuse and emotional trauma . Nothing could be further from the truth. Scripture is replete of instructions, commands and advice to remedy these ills that exist. As humans, we must first understand that even as we are exposed to abuse, we are not merely physical beings, we are first and foremost spiritual beings. With this concept in mind, it becomes clear that mental health and spirituality can coexist to make for a healthier and whole individual. Such is the purpose of SAS foundation, a beacon of hope and enlightenment for women across the world who crave that emotional stability even as it interfaces with our spiritual health.



Treatment plan for spiritual abuse

Assessing one's emotion self is a major step to finding the authentic self acceptance of spiritual wounded is pivotal to the healing process. Getting in touch with your desire and acting on them begins a lead to the authentic self. Another important attribute to healing a wound is processing the past experience by going back in order to move forward. Finding your voice and sharing or telling your story is very empowering to the individual. Give yourself approval to take sabbatical leave to focus on restorative care. Practicing spiritual discipline such as praying, fasting, and meditation is very helpful in building one spiritual man. Finally, attending and remaining under a teaching ministry that focuses on biblical principles.



Education and Maintenance

Spiritual and emotional health have traditionally been viewed as separate entities even as  individuals may struggle with both simultaneously. As a consequence, most women may assume that once one area is resolved then it is automatic that the other is as well. As this is not often the case, it becomes necessary to highlight the reality of maintaining ones spirituality and mental health through education, application of spiritual principles and also Counseling. It is not a sin or a crime for any individual to seek  counsel in the face of mental health and spiritual challenges. Educational resources and trained personnel are vital to a restorative approach to maintaining ones mindset and staying spiritually strong as women. Our families and our friends will undoubtedly benefit from a consistent  approach to Counseling and education.